General security

35 Awesome InfoSec Influencers You Need to Follow

July 14, 2015 by

I would like to share some security researchers and information security professionals you might have missed following. I think they deserve credit and some love for their contribution in the field.

1. Daniel Miessler -

He is a Practice Principal at HP Fortify, who leads the Fortify on Demand research team, and is an OWASP project leader on the OWASP IoT, OWASP SecLists and OWASP Mobile Top Ten projects. He is known for his Tcpdump Primer article and Information Security Interview Questions article that has been used in job interviews in huge IT companies.

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2. Christopher Elisan -

He is currently the Principal Malware Scientist at RSA. He authored "Advanced Malware Analysis" and "Malware, Rootkits and Botnets." His co-author credits include "Hacking Exposed: Malware and Rootkits." All books are published by McGraw-Hill. He is a frequent speaker at security and hacker conferences.

3. Vivek Ramachandran -

He is the founder of and Pentester Academy as well as the author of the books – "Wireless Penetration Testing using Backtrack" and "The Metasploit Megaprimer." He is a known BlackHat Trainer for Wireless Penetration Testing. He also discovered the Caffe Latte attack, broke WEP Cloaking, and conceptualized enterprise Wi-Fi Backdoors. He is definitely a badass wireless security person.

He works as a penetration tester and is the man behind He has written some automation scripts for penetration testing Junijohn, LazyMap, IPGen, wEAPe, etc. which can be found on his Github account.

5. Jason Haddix -

He is the Director of TechOps in Bugcrowd, an ex-Fortify, blogger, bug bounty hunter, and security researcher. Together with Daniel Miessler, they head the OWASP IoT, OWASP SecLists and OWASP Mobile Top Ten projects. He is a great web and mobile hacker.

Zeltser is the product management director at NCR Corp and a Board of Directors member at SANS Technology Institute aside from training digital forensics and malware combat at SANS Institute. He maintains REMnux, a free Linux Toolkit for Reverse-Engineering and Analyzing Malware.

He is the founder of the open source OSSEC HIDS and the Founder/CTO of Sucuri. He is also the co-writer of the Host-Based Intrusion Detection book and is an active writer at

8. Dax Labrador -

He works at HP Fortify, FreeBSD ports maintainer, and contributor and the founder of ROOTCON Hacker Conference in the Philippines.

9. Dafydd Stuttard -

He is the creator of the popular Burp Suite and the co-author of The Web Application Hacker's Handbook together with Marcus Pinto. He is also the co-founder of MDSec, a company providing training and consultancy on Internet security attack and defense.

He is the creator of OWASP Xenotix XSS Exploit Framework and Xenotix APK Reverser. He is the administrator of Kerala Cyber Force, a website dedicated to promote free Information Security education and has disclosed vulnerabilities in different websites.

11. Caleb Sima -

He is the Co-Founder of Bluebox Security and one of the authors of the Hacking Exposed Web Application book series. He is also known in the industry for co-founding SPI Dynamics, which was acquired by HP, and also he was one of the original developers of WebInspect.

12. Pau Oliva Fora -

He is a Mobile Security Engineer with NowSecure (formerly viaForensics). He has spoken at a variety of security conferences, including DefCon in the U.S. and NoConName in Spain. He is co-author of Wiley's Android Hacker's Handbook.

He is one of the co-founders of nullcon / null - the open security community (registered not-for-profit organization,, the largest security community in India. He is the author of open source Linux thread injection kit - Jugaad and Indroid that demonstrate a stealthy malware infection technique.

14. Armando Romeo -

He is the CEO and Founder of eLearnSecurity. He is also behind the HACK.ME project.

15. Nicolas Krassas -

He is a security professional who is interested in reverse engineering and penetration testing. He owns and that his tweets are InfoSec-related.

He is a Microsoft PowerShell MVP and a Metasploit contributor. He loves to write code in Python, Ruby, Powershell, T-SQL and Bash.

He is into developing security tools using Python. He is the author of wifijammer, xsscrapy, net-creds,, etc. If you want to dive into Python + Penetration Testing then you should check out his scripts.

He is the founder of Universita' Italiana Cracking (UIC) back in 1998, one of the biggest European Reverse Engineering research communities. His primary research interests focus on Rootkit Technology, Malware Analysis, Forensics, Data Analysis and Correlation.

He is currently the Principal Malware Researcher at Kaspersky Lab. He is known for his work on the Software Passport/Armadillo protection. He has also authored numerous articles and papers on reverse engineering and presented at various security conferences such as RECON, ToorCon, SSTIC, Virus Bulletin, Hacker Halted, RuxCon, TakeDownCon, Pacsec etc.

21. Philippe Langlois -

He has founded numerous security companies like Qualys, WaveSecurity, INTRINsec, and P1 Security. He has also presented at the following security or hacking conferences:, Hack in the Box (HITB, Amsterdam, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur), Blackhat, Hackito Ergo Sum (paris,france), SOURCE, Chaos Communication Congress (Berlin, Germany), ekoparty (bueos aires, argentina), H2HC (Sao Paulo, Brazil), SYSCAN (Hong Kong; Thailand), Bellua (Jakarta, Indonesia), INT (Mauritius), Interop (France), and Rubicon (USA).

He is formerly known as Kingpin and a member of the legendary hacker group, L0pht Heavy Industries. He has testified before the United States Senate Governmental Affairs Committee regarding government and homeland computer security. He co-founded @stake, an information security firm later acquired by Symantec, and Chumby Industries, which produced one of the first intentionally open and hackable consumer devices.

23. Alex Ionescu -

He is the Chief Architect at CrowdStrike, co-author of the last two editions of the Windows Internals series, and was the lead kernel developer for ReactOS - an open source Windows clone written from scratch, for which he wrote most of the Windows NT-based subsystems. In the last three years, he has also contributed to patches and development in two major commercially used operating system kernels.

24. Sam Collinson -

He has presented at Kiwicon 2013 and Syscan 2014 together with @snare about utilizing FPGAs to preform DMA attacks over Thunderbolt against Apple laptops, bypassing counter-measures previously put in place to prevent FireWire DMA attacks. He has also created the FPGA proof-of-concept to implement a PCI Express endpoint and Microblaze soft-processor that when connected via a PCIE-to-Thunderbolt adapter would perform DMA reads and writes to unlock a protected laptop.

25. Neal Poole -

He is a bug bounty hunter and a Security Engineer at Facebook working on the Product Security team. Prior to working at Facebook, he has reported close to a dozen flaws to Facebook, and also recently received a White Hat card and acknowledged in Facebook's Whitehat Hall of Fame.

He is an Indian bug bounty hunter who is the author of Appie – Android Pentesting Portable Integrated Environment and PentestBox.

27. Christian Mehlmauer -

He is a member of the WPScan Team (WordPress Vulnerability Scanner) and the author of WordpressPingbackPortScanner.

28. Chris John Riley -

Chris is a security engineer at Google and frequent conference speaker. He has previously contributed to open-source projects such as Metasploit and Scythe.

29. Howard Fuhs -

He is an InfoSec professional who is the owner of wherein you can find his manuscripts, articles, and whitepapers about IT Security.

She is a Malware Intelligence Analyst from Malwarebytes and Technical Writer for the

He is a Malware Intelligence Analyst from Malwarebytes and has been credited for finding the first rootkit in an Instant Messaging hijack, the first example of a rogue browser installing without permission, the first DIY Botnet creation kit for Twitter, and thanked by Google his contributions to responsible disclosure in their Hall of Fame.

32. Marcin Kleczynski -

He is the CEO of Malwarebytes, creator of the freeware About Buster and the person behind the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

33. Alexander Knorr -

He is known as opexxx in Twitter, his tweets are also infosec-related and that he keeps me up to date about new stuffs in the field of Information Security and Hacking.

34. Maximiliano Soler -

He is one of the owners and maintainers of, author of FireCAT and KromCAT together with NJ Ouchn, and a contributor to other open source projects.

He is the organizer of the major event Blackhat Arsenal Tools (US and Europe) since 2011 and the founder and the main maintainer of He also maintains the projects; DPE (Default Password Enumeration), vFeed® the open source correlated & cross-linked vulnerability database, FireCAT the Firefox Catalog of Auditing exTensions, and KromCAT – Google Chrome Catalog of Auditing exTensions.


aurelius is the creator of n00bs CTF Labs, bug bounty hunter, security researcher at Infosec Institute and an application security analyst. He loves playing games and watching movies aside from hacking.