Cybersecurity Weekly: The return of a dangerous botnet, malware in the GooglePlay Store and more
The Emotet botnet returns, SharkBot malware disguised as antivirus and exploiting Amazon smart speakers. All this, and more, in this week’s edition of Cybersecurity Weekly.
1. Rebirth of Emotet: New features of the botnet and how to detect it
One of the most dangerous and infamous threats is back again. In January 2021, global officials took down the botnet.
2. SharkBot malware poses as Android antivirus
SharkBot financial malware has been found in the Google Play Store, the official Android software repository, and is masquerading as an antivirus with system cleaning capabilities, according to researchers.
3. “Alexa, hack yourself” – researchers describe new exploit that turns smart speakers against themselves
Researchers have discovered a novel way of exploiting Amazon Echo smart speakers to perform commands.
4. Solving the problem of secrets sprawling in corporate codebases
GitGuardian announced the results of its report which extends its previous edition focused on public GitHub by depicting a realistic view of the state of secrets sprawl in corporate codebases.
5. Stanford cryptography researchers are building Espresso, a privacy-focused blockchain
If blockchain technology is to reach true mass adoption, it will have to become cheaper and more efficient.