You need a cybersecurity certification, what's the quickest path to passing?

Ellen Pincus
August 14, 2024 by
Ellen Pincus

Need a cybersecurity certification ASAP? Many people find themselves in this situation, whether it's a new job requirement, a government contract hinging on certification or simply a desire to stay relevant in a rapidly changing field. The good news is that you can get certified relatively quickly. 

Here's why certifications are crucial in cybersecurity: 

  • Compliance: Government and other regulated industries may request or require special cybersecurity certifications. For example, DoD Directive 8570/8140 specifically mandates certifications for personnel working with information assurance in the DoD. 
  • Staying current: The cybersecurity landscape is always changing. Certifications ensure you have the most recent knowledge to defend against new threats. 
  • Career advancement: Many cybersecurity job descriptions list certifications as a requirement. Cyberseek, a trusted source for cybersecurity workforce data, reports 448,033 U.S cybersecurity job listings and 69,906 of the listings require a Security+ certification. 

But certifications are more than just checking a box. They can be a significant boost to your career and confidence. Take Elle Autumn, a security engineer who wanted to enhance her skills. "I wanted to show that I have what it takes to make a difference," Autumn shared. She opted for Infosec's five-day Ethical Hacking Boot Camp. And the results? In her words, "It's one of the best things you'll do for your career. Getting certified has been transformative for me, not just as an engineer, but also as a person." 

Certifications are an investment in your cybersecurity future. Now, let's explore the different training options available to get you certified as quickly as possible. 

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Infosec training options 

When it comes to cybersecurity training, you have plenty of options. While various providers offer different durations and modalities, let's look at Infosec's offerings to give you a clear picture of what's available: 

Need a cybersecurity certification ASAP? Many people find themselves in this situation, whether it's a new job requirement, a government contract hinging on certification or simply a desire to stay relevant in a rapidly changing field. The good news is that you can get certified relatively quickly. 

Here's why certifications are crucial in cybersecurity: 

  • Compliance: Government and other regulated industries may request or require special cybersecurity certifications. For example, DoD Directive 8570/8140 specifically mandates certifications for personnel working with information assurance in the DoD. 
  • Staying current: The cybersecurity landscape is always changing. Certifications ensure you have the most recent knowledge to defend against new threats. 
  • Career advancement: Many cybersecurity job descriptions list certifications as a requirement. Cyberseek, a trusted source for cybersecurity workforce data, reports 448,033 U.S cybersecurity job listings and 69,906 of the listings require a Security+ certification. 

But certifications are more than just checking a box. They can be a significant boost to your career and confidence. Take Elle Autumn, a security engineer who wanted to enhance her skills. "I wanted to show that I have what it takes to make a difference," Autumn shared. She opted for Infosec's five-day Ethical Hacking Boot Camp. And the results? In her words, "It's one of the best things you'll do for your career. Getting certified has been transformative for me, not just as an engineer, but also as a person." 

Certifications are an investment in your cybersecurity future. Now, let's explore the different training options available to get you certified as quickly as possible. 

Infosec training options 

When it comes to cybersecurity training, you have plenty of options. While various providers offer different durations and modalities, let's look at Infosec's offerings to give you a clear picture of what's available: 

  • Live certification boot camps (fastest - 3-7 days): These are instructor-led boot camps designed to get you certified quickly, typically within a week. They offer a structured curriculum targeting exam objectives and come with all the materials you need to succeed. However, this fast-paced environment requires dedication. Be prepared to clear your schedule and buckle down for a concentrated learning experience. 
  • Self-paced boot camps (fast - 1-3 months): Self-paced boot camps offer flexibility while still providing guidance. You'll receive all the necessary study materials, pre-recorded lectures, practice exams and access to an instructor for support. This option gives you more control over your schedule but takes longer to complete compared to live camps. 
  • Career immersive boot camps (transformative - 6 months): Immersive boot camps provide in-depth training over several months, often coupled with career services like resume and interview coaching. These boot camps are ideal for those transitioning into cybersecurity or needing more support than a certification-focused program. 
  • Self-study courses (flexible - unlimited access): On-demand libraries like Infosec Skills offer a vast collection of cybersecurity courses you can access anytime, anywhere. This option allows you to tailor your learning to specific topics and brush up on skills at your own pace. However, the lack of deadlines and less structured approach can be a challenge for some learners who require external motivation and guidance. 

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Why choose a live boot camp? Fast-track to certification 

If you're looking to earn a cybersecurity certification quickly, live boot camps are your express lane. Typically lasting 3 to 7 days, they're designed to get you certified quickly and efficiently. You get everything you need to succeed, from comprehensive preparatory materials and live instructions to hands-on labs, practice exams and even a voucher to take the official exam. 

But don't let the speed fool you. These boot camps are laser focused on the exam objectives and real-world skills you need. Take it from Lili-Ann Mitchell, Partner and COO at Mirades. She passed her CISM certification after Infosec's CISM Training Boot Camp, which she described as "instrumental" to her success. "It was highly efficient, only needing one week of my time," she said. "If it was a day here and there, I don't think it would be as efficient." The proof? Her practice test scores jumped from 60% to 85% after the boot camp — and she knew she was ready for the exam. 

The instructors are one of the secret ingredients in these boot camps. They're not just teachers; they're your personal cybersecurity mentors. Joe Wauson, a U.S. Air Force Cyber Operations Planner, had a great training experience: "My instructor was really good at making sure we were engaged. He took time to tailor course content to people's understanding. He made sure we all got what we needed and left class ready to pass the exam." 

FREE role-guided training plans

FREE role-guided training plans

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But live boot camps are more than even the instructors and the curriculum. They offer a unique opportunity to network with your peers and Industry professionals. These live environments foster discussions, leading to fresh perspectives, diverse insights and a wealth of shared knowledge. 

At Infosec, we go the extra mile to ensure your success. We offer an Exam Pass Guarantee, giving you additional peace of mind. "If I didn't pass on the first try, I'd get a free retake on both the training and the exam," said Autumn, who worried about failing despite her best efforts. "That guarantee sealed the deal for me — I knew I could do this!" 

Live boot camps aren't for everyone, but if speed and efficiency are your priorities, they're the ultimate shortcut to certification. 

The importance of taking the exam soon after the boot camp 

Remember that saying, "use it or lose it"? It applies to your cybersecurity knowledge too. Live boot camps are designed to get you certified fast, and to maximize your chances of success, taking the exam shortly after is crucial. 

Why the rush? It boils down to something called the Forgetting Curve, a scientific principle by Herman Ebbinghaus. Ebbinghaus found that — without repetition to reinforce the material — adults begin forgetting new information in a matter of hours and days. The longer you wait to take the exam, the more those hard-won skills and knowledge might slip away. 

Live boot camps are an intense training session, packing a lot of information into a short period. Taking the exam right away helps solidify that knowledge in your mind, turning it from short-term memory into long-term understanding. 

Some in-person boot camps even offered the convenience of taking the exam on the last day. But even if yours doesn't, Infosec instructors recommend scheduling your exam for the Monday or Tuesday after the boot camp. This gives you the weekend to review key concepts and refresh your memory, maximizing your retention and setting you up for success. 

As cybersecurity instructor Rod Evans puts it, "Life happens, you're never going to study later." Taking the exam right after the boot camp, when the information is fresh and the momentum is high, is your best bet to ace the exam. 

What should you learn next?

What should you learn next?

From SOC Analyst to Secure Coder to Security Manager — our team of experts has 12 free training plans to help you hit your goals. Get your free copy now.

Live boot camp takeaway: The fastest path to passing 

We understand the pressure of needing a cybersecurity certification quickly, whether you need to land a dream job, meet government contract requirements or simply need to keep pace with this changing field. 

Just remember that this urgency doesn't have to equal stress. By choosing the right training path, you can achieve your certification goals efficiently and open doors to exciting opportunities. 

Live boot camps stand out as the fastest route to certification. Their intensive, focus structure condenses months of learning into a manageable time frame. Expert instructors guide you through the essential exam objectives, equipping you with the knowledge and practical skills you need to succeed. Don't wait any longer to take control of your cybersecurity future. A live cybersecurity boot camp can be your springboard to a rewarding and secure career. 

Ellen Pincus
Ellen Pincus

Ellen Pincus is a communication and marketing professional with over a decade of creative experience helping innovative organizations differentiate their voice. As the content marketing specialist for Infosec, she enjoys empowering cyber professionals and students with skills and knowledge to advance their careers and outsmart cybercrime.